Do you want to extend membership for selected users?
Do you really want to delete selected users? This operation cannot be undone!
Delete user:
Delete group:
Delete role:
Delete attribute class:
All the associated mappings will be dropped from the database...
You are suspending the following certificate:
Please provide a reason for the suspension!
Do you really want to change the acceptance period of the currently active version of the VO Acceptable Usage Policy?
If you confirm, many users could be asked to sign again the VO AUP.
Type 'yes' to change the AUP acceptance period!
Do you really want to trigger the acceptance of the currently active version of the VO Acceptable Usage Policy? If you
confirm, all the VO users will be notified via email and asked to sign again the VO AUP rules.
Type 'yes' to trigger the AUP acceptance!
Do you really want to change the currently active version of the VO Acceptable Usage Policy? If you confirm,
all the VO users who has not signed AUP version:
will be notified by email and requested to sign the AUP.
Delete aup version:
All the associated acceptance records will be dropped from the database...
All personal information about the user (name, surname, institution, email) will be linked to the CERN HR
membership record with ID:
The actual synchronization will happen at the next run of the CERN HR membership synchronization background
task. Proceed?
Type 'yes' to change the HR id!
The following certificate will be removed from your membership:
Type 'yes' to remove the certificate!
The following certificate:
will be removed from the set of certificates linked to user: